Tags: Demos

Rippulous Pond

Gaze ye into the rippulous pond unto eternity. canvas { object-fit: contain; width: 100%; position: relative; image-rendering: -moz-crisp-edges; image-rendering: -webkit-crisp-edges; image-rendering: pixelated; image-rendering: crisp-edges; margi…
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Meet SimPixel

I have someone I’d like you to meet. SimPixel, meet everyone. Everyone, SimPixel. # SimPixel, introduce yourself SimPixel is a WebGL visualizer for LED displays, very much like the ones Adam and Dan build over at Maniacal Labs. #mlabs { height: 50vh !important; } @media sc…
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Kimotion at geekSPARK 2016

Just a few short days months ago, Kimotion was on display at SPARKcon. SPARKcon is a large art festival in Raleigh, and we occupy a small slice of it called geekSPARK. # Kimotion Levels Up Last year’s tech had a rudimentary and finicky hand tracking system. It was workable, but …
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Kimotion Modding 101

Kimotion is a simple framework for creating interactive art exhibits in 2D or 3D and supports both Kinect and Leap Motion for viewer input. This tutorial will focus on the Leap, so to proceed with the tutorial you’ll need to set up your Leap. Once the leap service is running, you…
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Glow Rope

uniform float TIMER_MAX; attribute float alive; attribute float size; attribute vec3 endPosition; attribute float timer; varying float vAlive; varying vec3 vEndPosition; varying float vTimer; varying float vProgress; void main() { …
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Visualizing Network Traffic with WebGL

“Finally,” I thought, “an excuse to play with WebGL at work!” This year, I had the good fortune of contributing to a keynote presentation at Red Hat Summit. During the keynote, an audience of 5,000 played a mobile web game created by our team. The game was backed by several micro…
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DiMo: The Deconstruction of Falling Stars

Imagine a solitary blue dot. Unless you let your imagination run away with itself, this is going to be a pretty boring dot. Now, imagine a second, larger dot (you can pick the color). Red, nice choice! The scene is now slightly more interesting, since now you’ve got two dots to…
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Particles and π - DiMo Comes to Life

A player walks up Fayetteville St in Raleigh, North Carolina. SPARKcon has begun, and dozens of artists are strewn along the street, hard at work creating elaborate chalk art on the asphalt. A light rain is falling, and some artists are holding umbrellas over their work, some hav…
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ColorPal Alpha

Introducing ColorPal! I’ve been toying with color palette generation for years. My photography website has always had some form of dynamic palette, so the theme of each page matches the photo. You can see the current iteration here: I owe the idea of photo-matching website pale…
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Bouncey - canvas physics

This is Bouncey. It’s a simple physics demo I wrote in early/mid 2011, with some contributions and bugfixes from my good friend Greg Gardner. The description for bouncey’s github repo is: “a buggy, rudimentary, just-for-fun javascript physics simulator.” It covers Newton’s laws o…
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